Annual general meeting holcim ltd
The 1,253 shareholders attending voted in favor of all motions by a large majority. The proposed payment of a cash dividend of CHF 1.50 per registered share and the advisory vote on the remuneration report were among the main motions approved.
Representing some 51.4 percent of the company's share capital, the 1,253 shareholders attending the 98 th Annual General Meeting of Holcim Ltd approved all the motions proposed by the Board of Directors with large majorities.
In particular, the payment of a cash dividend of CHF 1.50 per registered share was approved. The dividend payment will take place on May 14, 2010.
For the first time, an advisory vote on the remuneration report was conducted. In his statement, Chairman Rolf Soiron said: "With regard the recent public debates about management compensation in general, a good majority of companies have exercised considerable restraint. Holcim too - even in good financial years." The shareholders confirmed the remuneration report with around 97 percent of the represented share capital.
CEO Markus Akermann commented on the current fiscal year and said: "In Group regions Europe and North America, the market trend remains uncertain. In Latin America and Group region Africa Middle East, Holcim expects business to develop on a stable footing. Asia Pacific will remain on track for growth."
Newly elected to the Board of Directors was Beat Hess. He holds a doctorate in law and is admitted to the bar. From 1977 to 2003, he was initially Legal Counsel and subsequently General Counsel for the ABB Group. Since 2004, Beat Hess has been Legal Director and member of the Executive Committee of Royal Dutch Shell Group, The Hague, Netherlands. He is also member of the Board of Directors of Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland.
Board members Markus Akermann, Peter Küpfer and Rolf Soiron were re-elected for a further three year term. The Chairman of the Board of Directors bade farewell to H. Onno Ruding, who had been a Board member since 2004 but has reached the age limit for further candidature. Rolf Soiron thanked him for his valuable service and dedicated commitment to sound financial policy.
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For information on the first quarter 2010, please see the media release dated May 4, 2010.
First quarter results 2010
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Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group holds majority and minority interests in around 70 countries on all continents.
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