A path or yard that rapidly absorbs rainwater
Increasing population density in cities causes a decrease in the share of natural soil, i.e. natural and green areas are progressively replaced by impermeable areas. In such situations, typical road surfaces and sidewalk surfaces with curbs and rainwater collection and drainage channels become a bottleneck for rainwater flow. Waste water becomes difficult to manage and increases the risk of sudden flooding in certain areas.
In order to address this problem in cases where paths or yards need to be built, LafargeHolcim has developed a water management system called Hydromedia™. Layers in this permeable solution allow good infiltration of rainwater and provide an economical method for storing precipitation water.
The permeability is dimensioned
Namely, this type of Hydromedia™ path, yard or parking lot contains a large number of interconnected voids, allowing the water to flow through them very quickly. This means that precipitation water from the street is absorbed rapidly, thereby reducing the risk of flooding. Dimensioning differs depending on the location specificities and includes characteristics of precipitation, surrounding terrain and substrate features, terrain topography, purpose and type of traffic load. Rainwater drainage is possible directly into the drainage layer, and then into the surrounding terrain (important for replenishment of groundwater levels), or into drainage pipes through which it is drained into the public rainwater drainage system.
Sustainable drainage system
The implementation of permeable concrete surfaces encourages the use of ”sustainable drainage systems” (SUDS), connected to sustainable construction. This way, the use of permeable concrete in defining and designing a building can help in the qualification process for major certificate systems of green building. As part of the best practices in water management, the use of permeable concrete can achieve points of the LEED system (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): sustainable environment, efficient use of water resources, materials and resources, innovation and regional priority.
Light coloured surface = less heat
The added benefit of this product is the light colour of the concrete pavement, which absorbs and stores less heat from the sun compared to darker materials. This reduces the heat island effect. In addition, in hot summer days, for example in camps, the bare foot feels much more comfortable when walking on such a bright, poriferous path.
The Hydromedia™ system contains approximately 20-35 of voids and allows water flow of 200 to 1.400 litres per square metre per minute.
- it reduces the dimensions, and sometimes also the need for systems of rainwater drainage
- ensures refilling of groundwater
- allows natural water purification by filtering through the ground
- reduces the risk of flooding and leaching of the surface layer
- reduces noise produced by tires – thanks to the structure of open, interconnected air pockets, it acts like an efficient sound absorber
- prevents glare – permeable concrete allows water to flow freely, thus reducing surface glare
- it reduces flooding
- reduces the need for a rain water system
- increases parking area as it reduces water surface collection
Whatexperts say about permeable concrete - VIDEO.